ABR® Designation
Get the Advantage You’ve Been Looking For
Get Your ABR® Designation
Accredited Buyer’s Representatives (ABR®) stand for the benchmark of excellence in buyer representation. What’s their key to success? They know that you can’t count on the market—you have to count on your skills. ABR® education provides the expertise you need for an edge in serving today’s home buyers.
Not only do ABR® designees earn more, but member benefits such as publications, marketing tools, a referral network and other resources, help them maintain that edge. Now is the time. Earn the ABR® designation.
There are six modules to this two day course:
1. The role and value of the buyer representative.
2. The buyer counseling session.
3. The search-showing-selection process
4. Offers and negotiations
5. From contract to close
6. Putting it all together